Decolonization of Our Education System
Projects that are helping
Here are a few places you could look at that have already been doing there part in the process of decolonization. As educators, parents, guardians, community members, Indigenous or non-Indigenous we too can find unique ways to take our first steps or continue supporting, researching, volunteering, educating and implementing new ways and perspectives in Education using Indigenous approaches and pedagogy.
Debajamajig Creation Center
Debajehmujig Storytellers is multi disciplinary arts organization dedicated to the revitalization of the Anishnaabek culture, language and heritage. Currently in there feed are Nanabush stories readings for your enjoyment.
Ngwaaganak immersion program
“The Ngwaaganak program is a holistic approach to learning that benefits the learner and all their gifts,” said M’Chigeeng Ogimaa-kwe Linda Debassige, in a release. “We currently have 46 students in the program. The Ngwaaganak program strives to include community in the development and execution of the program.”
Decolonization Certificate program
The decolonization certificate program is designed for individuals who want to develop there capacity to understand Indigenous perspectives in the history in colonization to contemporary realities in Canada and are interested in responding to the truth and reconciliation commission calls to action in a meaningful way.
Ngwaaganak immersion program
“The Ngwaaganak program is a holistic approach to learning that benefits the learner and all their gifts,” said M’Chigeeng Ogimaa-kwe Linda Debassige, in a release. “We currently have 46 students in the program. The Ngwaaganak program strives to include community in the development and execution of the program.”
Wiikwemkoong Anishinaabemowin Kinoomaagewin
Whole community initiative, responsibility and collaborative approach to prevent further decline of Anishinaabemowin.
Online resource to order for any classroom
Tel: 705-859-2094
Fax: 705-859-2400